Tuesday, August 4, 2015

REVEALED: 10 Shocking Facts About North Korea That Makes The Whole World Hate Them

You will be shocked. Read below...

1) In the last 60 years, 23,000 North Koreans have defected to South Korea. Only two South Koreans have gone to North Korea.

2) Only military and government officials are allowed to own cars.

3) It is illegal to take pictures of poor people because they believe it tarnishes North Korea's image.

4) If you get caught reading the Bible or watching porn, you will receive the death penalty.

5) Kim Jong-un killed his uncle by throwing him Unclad in a cage of 120 hungry dogs. He then killed
his entire bloodline.

6) North Korea currently holds one U.S. Navy Ship captive. It has been under their control since 1968.

7) North Korea had to watch the 2014 World Cup with a 24 hour delay.

8) There are 28 government-approved haircuts citizens must choose from.

9) Wearing jeans is illegal in North Korea.

10) If one person violates a law or is sent to prison camp, it affects theirwhole family. Grandparents, parents, and children of the violator are sent to work with them.

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