
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nigeria Has The Highest Number Of Jobless People On Facbook In Africa

Nigeria has topped Facebook’s list of countries in Africa as the number one frontier-market for the medium in terms of mobiles to like, share and upload content on the social media platform … According to reports, Nigeria has monthly users of 15 million on Facebook and following behind is Kenya 4.5 million users in 30 days.

Nunu Ntshingila, Facebook’s head of Africa, in a statement;
 “Mobile is not a trend; it’s the fastest adoption of disruptive technology in history of communication,” said
“Facebook said its active user population in Africa grew 20 percent to 120 million in June from 100 million in September last year. A large portion of these users were in North Africa.”

“Nigeria had 15 million monthly active users as of June 30 this year, all of them using mobiles to like, share and upload content on the social network. In Kenya, 95 percent of the 4.5 million monthly active users did so via mobiles” “Facebook has nearly 20 million users in major African markets Nigeria and Kenya, statistics released by the social network showed on Thursday, with the majority using mobile devices to access their profiles.”

South Africa has 12 million monthly active Facebook users, according to the data showed

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