Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Out of batteries? BMW Chief Executive FAINTS on stage

BMW chief executive Harald Krueger collapsed during a press conference at the Frankfurt Auto show while standing beside the company’s hybrid electric i8 super car.

Shortly after taking to the stage, Krueger staggered backwards and fainted. Two staff members rushed to his aid and helped him to his feet.

A spokesman for the company who was commentating on the event said: ‘I’m a bit lost for words. BMW will try to redo the press conference at a later stage’.
Krueger looked visibly stunned and rubbed the back of his head as he was being led off stage by two members of staff.

The 49-year-old executive collapsed just five minutes into his press conference.

BMW spokesman Maximillian Schoberl said Krueger had been feeling unwell before going on stage. He said following the incident, Krueger was examined by a doctor after he underwent ‘a moment of dizziness’ and was now ‘recovering well.’

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