Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tankers Causing Heavy Traffic Along Oshodi-Apapa Expressway

After Lagos State Government made a mandate instructing all tankers not to park on a motorable road so as to to avoid traffic at Apapa which they heeded to after days of arrest. Now they have taken to even the farther side of the OShodi-Apapa expressway to cause even more harm than good as traffic along that way seems to be in a bad phase.
A 'BB' reader recently sent me these pictures with the caption :
Dear BB Readers,

How’s was your day, mine was fine…well not until i got to Oshodi-Apapa expressway ooo. Am sure you must be wondering why. The petrol tankers along this road have been giving us issue since Monday as they have blocked every where and a part of the road which is motorable has been blocked. Now those going towards Oshodi and those going towards Apapa, Cele Express, Isolo and Ikotun now follow on way which has been giving us issue and cause a lot of traffic.
Some people’s car got damaged today all in the name of trying to get home quickly. 
Kindly help publish this on your blog and if possible you can copy other blogs so the Government can help do something about it. I have attached pictures of the traffic 
Many Thanks
Your ardent Reader.
So that’s the mail… Can the government please do something about it and other blogs kindly post on their sites. Find more of the attached pictures below:

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