Friday, May 15, 2015

Former President Obasanjo Submits Report on How To Run Nigeria To General Buhari

Signs that ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo subtly amassed support for the election of General Mohammadu Buhari as the Nigeria’s next president and also wants him to succeed in office became evident Thursday when he handed over a report of a strategic development plan to Buhari.

The reports contained templates that would assist the incoming government to rapidly achieve its objectives of taking the nation a notch higher. Top on the list were Education, Power sector, Economy, Security and Infrastructure.

The development followed a research work embarked upon by the Centre for Human Security of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library on major social challenges facing Nigeria 4 months ago.

The event which took place at the Buhari Support Organization, BSO’s office in Abuja featured the chairman, governing board of the Centre for Human Security of Obasanjo Presidential Library, Professor Akin Mabogunje, who was incidentally the chairman of the committee, former Minister of Finance and Committees vice chairman, Dr. Kalu Idika Kalu who present volumes of the report to Buhari and Dr. Christopher Kolade who headed the power committee.

Speaking to Journalists at the end of the brief ceremony that was held behind closed doors, Mabogunje said the report contained policy documents that would help the president-elect restructure Nigeria, revealing that Buhari was full of thanks for the documents.

He said: “Centre for Human Security of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Liberary has being working on a number of critical issues for the development of this country and they have now sent a delegation of those who’ve been involved with the preparation of those policy documents to talk to the president-elect and get him to appreciate what is being done to help his administration. That’s why we are here.

“We’ve looked at education, security, economy, power and Infrastructure. Those are the areas we’ve made recommendations and which we hope the new administration will be able to work on.
“He (Buhari) was very happy that we’ve been thinking about how to help him hit the ground running and he expressed his appreciation for what we’ve been doing."

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