Friday, March 17, 2017

Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha Begs Authorities To Release Kemi Olunloyo After Alleged Defamation

  Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha has pleaded with the authorities to release the controversial journalist, Kemi Olunloyo from her arrest and subsequent detention in a Port Harcourt prison facility for alleged defamation of Pastor Ibiyeomie of Salvation Ministries.
Ms. Onuoha took to her Instagram to acknowledge that though she had issues with Kemi, she understands that Kemi human and not perfect.

She wrote: “A lot of people have been writing me about Kemi or HnnAfrica arrest. Everyone knows my perception of her.

“Her lies, falsehood and misinformation to the general public of events that never happened. Yes I fought her vigorously to protect and defend my image she tried hard to tarnish with lies maliciously.

“However, we are all flawed and imperfect. She is an opinionated writer and steps out of bounds most often.

“Yet, I will plead to the Pastor of the church she accused and Nigerian police Port-Harcourt Branch to please show mercy and release her. She is a mum and needs to be home with her kids.

“I call on all well meaning Nigerians to please forgive her and lend your voices towards her release. I beg of you all.

Please free Kemi, God bless you all. To err is human; To forgive is Divine”

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