Saturday, October 31, 2015

Check Out 8 Habits Of Stylish Men

Women enjoy dating distinguished and stylish men who actually take care of themselves, and one of the most essential tricks for looking perpetually amazing is to cultivate habits that boost your style. Whether you’re sporting a suit or street wear, once you incorporate these 8 habits into your life and they become second nature, you’ll find women approaching you more often and other guys eying you with envy.

1. They enjoy looking good

One of the very basic rules to being a stylish man is to enjoy the entire process of dressing well and looking good. Your clothing is going to have a direct effect on people’s default assumptions of you. In other words, the better you’re dressed, the more respect and attention they’re going to automatically give you. So, if you don’t like getting dressed in the morning, or don’t care much about your clothes, then you can never be truly stylish.

2. They get haircuts regularly

A stylish guy’s hair always seems to be manageable and well coiffed. You can only achieve this by going in for routine haircuts. Book your haircuts with a barber you trust and understands your preferences and lifestyle. Every four to six weeks should do the trick.

3. They have a scent for every mood

Most men make the mistake of thinking they need to choose a single fragrance for themselves; however, just as you have more than one pair of shoes, you should have more than one scent to call upon that gives an accurate expression of your personality and style. Stylish men always have a few fragrances to choose from and switch between them appropriately i.e., a citrus one for summer, a heavy dark one for the nighttime, a lighter one for the office, etc…

4. They spend money on good underwear

The stylish man realizes that in today’s society, what he’s wearing under his Armani suit matters just as much as the suit itself. Think about it–when your woman dresses up in something racy and lacy and taunts you by strutting around the room and bending over to get a reaction, she has your undivided attention, right? Well, believe it or not, women are paying attention to what’s under your clothing as well. Brands such as CK, Murano, and Armani offer a great assortment of trendy, comfortable and lust-worthy briefs that will keep you confident and ready for action at anytime.

5. They know the importance of quality shoes

What’s the first thing you look at when you meet someone for the first time? That’s right, their shoes. Stylish men understand that buying expensive shoes is not necessarily an expense; it’s more like an investment. Yes, women will evaluate and make a judgment on a man simply by looking at his shoes, and wearing exclusive shoes will definitely help polish a man’s image and impress the ladies.

6. They prepare their outfit the night before

The stylish man is always well prepared, and he knows that preparing and testing his outfit the night before will help to avoid any last minute wardrobe malfunctions and prevent any surprise obstacles in the morning.

7. They know the importance of a nice fit

Most men simply buy clothes and do not really feel the need to try them on before purchasing them; however, all stylish men know how important it is to find a trusted alterations tailor to ensure having nicely fit clothing. They also realize that no matter how much you spend on clothes or fabric, if it’s badly cut and doesn’t suit your frame, it will only spell disaster.

8. They notice detail in others

Because the stylish man pays attention to details of his own collar shape, pocket square selection, and all the other little details of dressing well, he starts to notice them on other men. Once you start really putting some time and effort into your appearance, you’ll start seeing approving nods from other well-dressed men as well.

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