Sunday, March 5, 2017

Guy ends up in jail for joking about being a Serial killer an a date

  A date turned out to be a nightmare for this Reddit user, Immortalsnail after jokingly telling the woman he went out with he was a serial killer.The man who was later arrested and taken to jail started his story by saying his date with a woman he met on Tinder was going great. So great, in fact, that she invited him to hang out with her and some friends after. He agreed, and went with her to the mall to meet her buddies and grab a bite to eat.
That’s where, as he tells it, things got weird:
    “So after the food arrives the conversation turns a little more towards how we met (pay close attention and you will spot my mistake). She states she’s glad I’m normal and not some sort of serial killer.

    Now I could have just laughed… I could have but I was funny remember? I replied with “Oh thanks for thinking I’m normal! But I actually am a serial killer, bodies for days buried out at the farm.”

    She laughed, I laughed, I thought I did great at making it sound sarcastic.

    She excuses herself to the bathroom to do whatever girls do in bathrooms on dates. It was taking a questionably long time for her to return and I was slightly worried she bailed and stuck me with the bill, my luck right? Wrong.

    So unbelievably wrong, my luck was worse as police officers suddenly appear out of nowhere and tell me to keep both of my hands visible on the table.

His date who came in with the police, then identified him for the cops, who then put him in a cop car.

    “I’m in the car and the police are outside talking to my date for a few minutes when they get into the car with me and ask me if I told my date I was a serial killer, areyouf**kingkiddingme…

    I tell them yes but I was joking.

    LPT: Don’t admit to police you told someone you were a serial killer.

    So that derailed my plans, I spent the next 5-6 hours explaining myself over and over and over that I was kidding.

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