Thursday, February 12, 2015

Who Does That? Sisters Arrested For Taking NU DE Pictures in a Temple

                                                       Apparently it is pictures of their bu tt.
                        Two sisters were arrested in Cambodia for taking nu de photos inside one of the country’s most sacred religious sites.
                         According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Lindsay Adams, 22, and Leslie Adams, 20, sisters from Arizona, were arrested for taking nu de pictures inside the Preah Khan temple at Angkor.
                          “They lowered their pants to their knees and took pictures of their bu ttocks,” Keat Bunthan, a police official, told reporters.
                          The women were jailed and deported to
Thailand as it is against the law in Cambodia.
“The two tourists admitted that they really made a mistake by taking nu de photos,” a statement from the Apsara Authority, which manages the temple complex, read.
This isn’t even the first time people have gotten themselves in legal hot water for going the full monty at a temple in Cambodia. Last week, three French tourists were busted for taking nu de pictures inside another temple at the complex. They were banned from Cambodia for four years and received a suspended sentence for public exposure and making pornography.

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