Friday, November 14, 2014

See Photo-- Premature Son Plays Ring-Bearer As His Parents Wed In Style

                             Dailymail reports that a couple, Kristi Warriner and Justin Nelson got married in the neonatal intensive care unit so their son, who was born 15 weeks early, could be the ring-bearer.
                           The baby, named J.J, is the surviving son of the couple after they lost his twin when the bride went into labor 15 weeks early at the hospital, The Star-Telegram reports.
J.J., was ‘touch and go’ for weeks, weighing less than two pounds at birth, but he appears to be improving each day.
In a show of solidarity, the hospital staff in the neonatal intensive care unit decided to help plan a wedding ceremony for the couple knowing the couple wanted to wed but had been too busy caring for their son for the last two months.
Local businesses donated the bride’s wedding gown and flowers and one of the couple’s friends lent the outfit for tiny ring-bearer J.J. to wear.
Amazing right?

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